Help a Loser

You know that guy...26 years but still lives his mom basement. No job but lots of college debt. The guy that get's made fun of countless times in the media. Well that me. I don't want to be that guy, but having figured out how not be such a big loser. So I created this blog to document my travels looking for advice that will help me from being a zero in to being a hero.

please give a loser some self help advice

Friday, November 03, 2006

Goal for the weekend/next week

A while back my (deceased) grandmother’s car was stolen. The police found it but it needs to be fixed (they rammed a screw driver in the ignition key to hot wire it), as well as needs a car battery.

This weekend I hope to get a car battery for the car and get it fixed (and while I am at it get a car alarm).

So far my problem has been getting a ride to get a car battery.

Actually that is a lie my problem has started way before that giving that I (at age 26) don’t have a drivers license. Which is why a really want to get this car fixed, so I can have something to practice driving before I take the road test.

A month a go my cousin said that my uncle may help me (maybe I should ask to make sure it is a defiant.)

But I am trying to take small steps. Since it seems no one wants a guy to wreck their car so he can learn how to drive.

So this is my plain:

Get battery

Fix car

Learn to drive

Get Drivers license

Better to go out for job searches and actually have a social life.


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