Help a Loser

You know that guy...26 years but still lives his mom basement. No job but lots of college debt. The guy that get's made fun of countless times in the media. Well that me. I don't want to be that guy, but having figured out how not be such a big loser. So I created this blog to document my travels looking for advice that will help me from being a zero in to being a hero.

please give a loser some self help advice

Thursday, August 21, 2008

self identifying my problem of over relying on others part 4 - my dark secret

a level of my over reliance on others that I am a shamed to admit was that years ago I was one of those Internet panhandlers.

I was hoping to raise money to pay for a car and pay off my student loans.

But since I was a hot young woman I didn't make any money. well that's not 100% true I had one kind soul that helped me out (and when I get on my feet I will pay this kind person back)

other then that one person all I got where a lot of insults.