Help a Loser

You know that guy...26 years but still lives his mom basement. No job but lots of college debt. The guy that get's made fun of countless times in the media. Well that me. I don't want to be that guy, but having figured out how not be such a big loser. So I created this blog to document my travels looking for advice that will help me from being a zero in to being a hero.

please give a loser some self help advice

Friday, August 29, 2008

wow I think I may be suffering from depression

I'm usually feeling down. So much that I sometimes don't have the energy to do things that I know I need to do to get me out of this position. and when I do have the energy I realize it's pointless because I will still run into the same blocks that I always run into.

sometimes I feel a bit of anger over being such an f-up.


  • At 10/23/2009 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just sifted through this blog because I'm having trouble with moving on with my life and getting a job and shit, lots of anxiety. Shit sucks

    Anyways, biggest thing that helped me with my depression is just listing out all of those stupid triggers that make you break down and bawl your eyes out. Perked me right up to identify all the baggage I still have, and to come to terms with how human I am. Feels great.


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